
the 65th NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo in St. Louis

A delegation with 40 members from 19 universities represents Taiwan to attend the 65th NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo in St. Louis during May 26 -31, 2013. 

國際教育者協會成立於1948年,目的在為從事國際教育與交換計畫的工作人員提供專業發展與訓練的機會,並整合國際教育網絡,倡導國際教育的重要性。本年美洲教育者年會於526日至31日在美國密蘇里州聖路易市舉辦,大會主題為"Ideals and Impact in International Education "。此年會為全球規模最大的高等教育國際交流會議,各國與會者可藉此機會與各姐妹校國際事務人員晤談、宣傳學校特色及參加國際高教議題研討,以拓展學術合作交流的機會,提升台灣高等教育在國際學術的能見度。第65NAFSA年會參展人數超過8,000人。臺灣各大專院校參與NAFSA行之有年,今年在教育部、財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會(FICHET)籌組下,計有國內19所公私立大專院校40餘大學校長、國際長及國際事務人員出席年會,駐休士頓教育組代表教育部設宴歡迎臺灣代表團,並出席會場使領館臺灣教育展活動。

Association of International Educators was founded in 1948.  It is a National Association of Foreign Student Advisers to promote the professional development of American college and university officials, and to emphasize the importance of networking of international educators’ integration. Its members include academic institutions, government agencies and private organizations. The association changed its name to the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs because its scope expanded to cover: admissions personnel, English-language specialists, as well as the community volunteers who are key persons in assisting international students get familiar with American college life. NAFSA is one of the leading professional associations dedicated to international education with the mission of advancing international education and global workforce development.

The 65th NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo defined the conference theme as “Ideals and Impact in International Education”.  It has been held at America’s Center in St. Louis City, Missouri from May 26 to 31, 2013.  It brought together more than 8,000 professionals in the field of international education for five packed days of training workshops, educational sessions, networking opportunities, and special events.  NAFSA's annual conference provides a multitude of educational offerings for international education professionals at all levels of experience and in every specialty.

A delegation with 40 members from 20 universities of Taiwan attended the 65th NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo in St. Louis during May 26 -31, 2013.  The purpose of this Taiwan delegation is to promote the international cooperation between the universities in Taiwan and their counterparts in the world.  In addition, they not only encourage global students to study in Taiwan but also recommend foreign education institutions recruit international students from Taiwan. The Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston on behalf of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan arranged a dinner to welcome the Taiwan delegation along with the delegation coordinator, the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan.