


二、  107年智慧鐵人創意競賽活動(2018 Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest)委請國立臺灣大學協助執行,決賽(含國際賽)活動時程自107726日至730日止,報名時間自即日起至本年531日止。

三、  107年國際隊伍以受理8支隊伍為限,優先保留給舉辦該國國內初賽之國家,其餘名額則依報名先後順序決定。承辦單位(國立臺灣大學)將補助國外隊伍來臺比賽期間之食宿費,並優先補助新參加之隊伍交通費,國際隊伍以11隊為原則,每隊參賽學生以46人為限,應有帶隊老師1名,亦可有隨隊評審1名參與競賽評審工作。

四、  有意參與本項活動者,活動執行單位將依報名順序及時程等原則,前往辦理說明會,聯絡資訊如下,並請於107430日前聯繫,俾利安排:

          ()   活動聯絡人:Professor Ko-Fei Liu (國立臺灣大學土木系劉格非教授)
          ()   聯絡電話:+886-2-3366-4366
          ()   電子郵件: kfliu@ntu.edu.t ironmanoffice@gmail.com
          ()   收件地址:
                    Department of Civil Engineering National Taiwan University
                    No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.,Taipei 10617, Taiwan
          ()  報名相關資訊,詳見智慧鐵人創意競賽英文官網

Sentimental Landscapes Glow from the Hands of Young Taiwanese Artists

Participants of the luncheon mingle with each other

The island, given the name Ilha Formosa by Portuguese mariners in the 16th century, is now home to the people of Taiwan. Inspired by their ancestor’s early lives as hard working, new immigrants, a group of young Taiwanese artists incorporated Asian cultures with local life in Taiwan to create stunning art pieces. They presented that sentiment in visual forms to communicate with their audience; thus, Sentimental Landscapes became the topic of their exhibition.

The works feature media ranging from oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolor, ink, clay, wood, metal to multimedia. The works take forms such as traditional paintings, sculptures, public art installation to contemporary action art. Topics include visible objects like the human body, birds, and flowers to abstract concepts such as interstellar space and fictional scenery. Not only are the artists professionally trained and naturally talented, they are also award winners. With years of international art exhibition experience, they have turned their canvases into story boards that beautifully and adeptly voice the history and culture of Taiwan. This year, they have reached out to Houston with great passion; using their art to introduce Taiwan to the Greater Houston Area.

Whether through the vehicle of education or other means, the Education Division of TECO in Houston never turns away from an opportunity to promote Taiwan. The office organized a meeting hosted by Director-General Peter Chen of TECO in Houston to welcome the representative of the group, Mr. Chung Ying Hou. The welcome and fundraising luncheon was held at the Rice University Faculty Club on January 29, 2018. Community leaders known as strong supporters of the arts also attended.

The prospective exhibition in Houston is expected to take place at the end of 2018. An estimated 500 attendees will engage in the grand opening and exhibition. The goal of the event is raise awareness of appreciation for art as well as for Houstonians to learn about the beautiful island, Taiwan, through the exhibits of the Sentimental Landscapes.



  1. 具教育部認可國內外教育相關領域博士學位
  2. 具備英語授課經驗或能力者優先考量
  1. 個人履歷表(請寄送電子檔)及自傳。
  2. 近五年內學術著作、研究成果目錄(請列清冊並寄送電子檔)。
  3. 學術專長及可任教領域,有大學授課經驗者請附曾授課之課程教學大綱(請寄送電子檔)。
  4. 學經歷證件影本(國外學歷須經駐外館辦妥驗證)。
  5. 大學教師證書影本(無者免附)。
  6. 博士班成績單正本(國外學歷須經駐外館辦妥驗證;已領教育部助理教授級以上教師證書者免附成績單,但須附教師證書影本)。
  7. 博士學位論文影本。
  8. 有英語授課經驗或英語授課能力者,請檢附相關證明文件或課程綱要。
  9. 有推薦函者以2封為限。
  1. 應徵資料請於截止日前以掛號郵寄至:116臺北市文山區指南路264號「國立政治大學教育學院收」,並於信封上註明「應徵教師」。
  2. 教育學院 蔡秀真秘書


報名方式:請至駐休士頓教育組網頁www.moetw.org下載報名表,並於本(2018)228前將填妥申請表美國護照影本以電子郵件方式寄至 houcul@houstoncul.org 
有住宿需求者,住宿費支票(支票抬頭為Education Division, TECO in Houston)請於2018年3月31前以郵寄方式寄達休士頓臺北經文處教育組:11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2012, Houston, TX 77046
駐休士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組 鍾慧小姐 
實踐大學國際事務處 Ms. Kuo, Li Wen

Application Form



Full-time Faculty Position Wanted in Big-data Marketing, Marketing Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, and Content Marketing, Social Marketing

Institute of Marketing Communication,
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Full-time Faculty Position Wanted in Big-data Marketing, Marketing Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, and Content Marketing, Social Marketing

The Institute of Marketing Communication at National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan invites applications for one full-time faculty position beginning on August 1st 2018. We are especially interested in the areas of Big-data Marketing, Marketing Communication Management, Advertising, Public Relations, Content Marketing, and Social Marketing.


For appointment at the assistant professor level, applicants should hold a Ph.D in Advertising, Communications, Marketing, Management, or related field, and demonstrate the potential to achieve, or have a strong record for research and teaching. Candidates in higher ranks should have an established record of both strong research and teaching.

NSYSU was established in 1980 at Kaohsiung, the second largest metropolitan in Taiwan and has emerged over the years as one of the best comprehensive universities in the country. In 2002 NSYSU was named by the Ministry of Education as one of the country's seven major research-intensive universities. The Institute was established in 1997 and is one of the best graduate program of its kind in Taiwan. The Institute offers Master’s program. In June 2014, the Institute was officially renamed the Institute of Marketing Communication, and continues to be a leader in the education and research of marketing and communications management in Taiwan. According to Eduniversal, the Institute was ranked first in communications in Taiwan and the 10th in communications in the far east region in 2016.

Submit the following documents: 
  Curriculum vitae containing a full list of publications in recent 5 years.
  full texts of publications.
  a copy of the Ph.D. diploma; master and Ph. D official transcripts
●  research interest
●  teaching courses
●  student evaluation outcome.
●  three recommendation letters 

Please send the required documents online (mmazaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw) and in paper to :
Institute of Marketing Communication,
National Sun Yat-sen University.
70, Lien-hai Road, District of Gushan, Kaohsiung City, 80424, Taiwan.

Please submit your application by February 9th 2018.

For further inquiry, please contact:
Ms. Yeh
Institute of Marketing Communication,
886-7-5252000 ext. 4951
Facsimile: 886-7-5254969

Website: http://imc.nsysu.edu.tw/files/11-1104-11061-1.php?Lang=en


Superintendent’s trip empowers educational partnerships

PHOTO: (L1) Principal Show-Lan Kwan of Min-Dao Elementary School; (L3) Executive Director Li-Hua Shie of Education Department of Taipei City Government; (R3) Superintendent Richard Carranza of HISD; (R2) Mrs. Monique Carranza; (R1) Principal Chaolin Chang of Mandarin Chinese Magnet Immersion School of HISD

At the end of December 2017, Superintendent Richard Carranza of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) and Mrs. Carranza visited Taiwan as distinguished guests of the Ministry of Education. Despite a trip as short as one week, Mr. and Mrs. Carranza enjoyed their stay very much and spent most of their time visiting K-12 schools. They were highly impressed by the schools, teachers, and students they encountered along the way.
As a result of collaborative efforts from the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston, HISD and the Department of Education of the Taipei City Government entered an educational partnership in 2015. This partnership has brought together schools on both sides and increased access to great programs such as teacher exchange, and a student pen-pal project.
Superintendent Carranza took the opportunity to visit HISD’s partner schools in Taipei including Da-Li High School and Nei-Hu High School to gain an in-depth understanding of the aforementioned programs. On top of his trip, he witnessed an agreement established on the educational partnership between HISD’s Mandarin Chinese Magnet Immersion School and Ming-Dao Elementary School of Taipei.
Mr. and Mrs. Carranza’s journey would not be complete without visiting schools of other cities in Taiwan. Principle Charlie Cha of Min-Zu Elementary School was thrilled to introduce Chia-Yi City’s English Wonderland program to the school’s first visiting education official from America. Texas Education Agency certified teacher, Judy Fang, who was recruited by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan for the Teaching in Taiwan program, was more than excited to demonstrate her teaching for the occasion. Superintendent Carranza was elated to meet a Texas teacher in Taiwan and admired the effort Judy put into her teaching.
As Chia-Yi County is home to the magnificent A-Li Mountain, it enjoys a fine reputation for producing high-quality Taiwanese tea known the world over. The tea ceremony and tasting at Min-Zu Elementary was an eye-opening experience for Mr. and Mrs. Carranza. They were fascinated and charmed by the volunteer parent of the school who elegantly conducted every step in making a cup of tea to perfection. The ceremony was accompanied by a beautiful performance featuring a stringed instrument, a dulcimer (揚琴), carried out by a sixth grader at Min-Zu.

As first timers to Asia, Mr. and Mrs. Carranza left the National Palace Museum and Chi-Mei Museum with disbelieve that Taiwan, a small island, could play such a big part in the world of art collections and is the host to the world’s largest ancient Chinese artifacts. Memories of stunning views, friendly people, great school programs, dedicated educators, and diligent students steadily stacked up along their trip. The visit has further strengthened educational partnerships and is an encouraging sign for future collaboration.

PHOTO: Superintendent Richard Carranza visits Min-Zu Elementary School in Chia-Yi City


「臺灣觀光學華語」計畫106年度選出由淡江大學成人教育部華語中心、國立彰化師範大學語文中心、國立中山大學國際事務處華語教學中心、及慈濟大學華語中心所規劃之4條遍及臺灣北中南東之年度精選課遊程(辦理期程跨106-107年)。主題內容分別為臺北文化、 美食「走讀.華語.品味.臺北」之旅;彰化鹿港文化、美食、生態「文化舊城學華語,趣遊彰化山海城」之旅;高雄文化、浪漫「上山、下海、遊港都」之旅;以及花蓮樂活、文化、生態「花蓮輕旅行樂活學華語」之旅。




猶他州一所小學(Lincoln Elementary School, Cache County School District)的藝術史老師盧達(Mateo Rueda)因為學生家長向警察舉報其上課內容涉及色情,外界並不清楚學區對此事件處理細節,但這位老師最後被學區解僱了。該事件起因於盧達老師在課堂上要他的六年級學生從一盒廠商出版的圖卡中,選出藝術作品以分析藝術家對於畫作的用色。那些藝術圖卡在他到該校任教前就在教室裡了,其中包括一些裸體古典名畫,如:義大利畫家莫迪里安尼(Amadeo Modigliani)Iris Tree, 1916,法國洛可可時期畫家布雪(Francois Boucher)Odalisque, 1749等。


本文作者(Stephen Sawchuk)認為該事件引發一些有意思且更廣泛的問題:從拉斯科洞窟(Lascaux cave)的壁畫到維倫多爾夫的維納斯(Venus of Willendorf),乃至達文西(Da Dinci)的維特魯威人(Vetruvian Man)、辛蒂˙雪曼(Cindy Sherman)或羅伯特˙梅普爾索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)的攝影作品,要把人類的身體排除在藝術史以外簡直是不可能的。藝術史學者絕對會振振有詞的告訴你,這類的圖象扮演著部份重要的關鍵藝術解析說明,包括:為何藝術家選擇那樣的呈現方式?目的為何或觀眾群為何?為何它在現代藝術中被選擇或被排除?

Sawchuk曾向全美藝術教育協會(National Art Education Association)提出有關在藝術史課堂教授裸體藝術與言論自由(freedom of speech)的問題。為免斷章取義,有興趣了解上述文章全文者,可詳閱刊載於該協會網站的文章「Position Statement on Freedom of Speech Through Visual Expression」,但Sawchuk想提出的重點為,老師必須衡量欲展示給學生看的圖象內容,是否適合其教學對象的年齡層。

藝術教育者毋須在他們的學生面前為所有的圖象、流派及藝術家背書,但他們應該要協助每一位學生可以從具衝突感的圖象、意見及藝術流派範疇中學習藝術。實際上,當藝術教育者支持學生自由主張(freedom of expression)時,也要考量教學內容對學生年齡層的恰當性,並對他們所處的教學環境及教育系統抱持高度敏感度。如果藝術課堂延伸至美術館參訪時,館內展覽文藝復興時期或十九世紀的藝術畫作,藝術史教師該如何回答或處理學生對於某些畫作可能有的「尷尬問題」?Sawchuk說他在10歲參觀法國奧賽博物館(Musée d'Orsay)時,就問了一個讓在場大人都感到尷尬的問題:「為什麼印象派畫家(Impressionists)老是喜歡畫女人洗澡?」


Education Week – January 3, 2018
