

全美藝術基金會(National Endowment for the Arts)由美國國會於1965年成立,其資金及資源提供給美國人民參與藝術、創意發想以及發展藝術創作的機會。透與各州藝術單位、其他聯邦部會以及慈善單位合作,該基金會資金用以補助藝術學習、傳承美國豐富多元的文化傳統,同時推展藝術觸角至全美各個角落,讓更多人有機會參與藝術活動。
為提昇全美人民藝術創作力、增進社區藝術氣息,全美藝術基金會提供補助款給州及地方藝術單位的年度夥伴計畫使用,同時包括補助不同類別的藝術活動,如:藝術作品(Art Works)、連結創意(Creativity Connects)、我們的城鎮(Our Town)與藝術作品研究(Research: Art Works)。全美藝術基金會將提供1071筆補助款項,總額8176萬美元以支持藝術相關計畫,同時提供藝術家、行政人員以及其他創意工作者更多的工作機會。
(一)       /美國管轄範圍以及依城鎮補助
(二)       第二類補助項目,包括:藝術作品II(Art Works II)、創意運用(Creativity Connects)、我們的城鎮(Our Town)、藝術作品研究(Research: Art Works)以及州及區域合作夥伴,接著補助涵蓋藝術教育及視覺藝術等的藝術科系/領域。本項補助內容說明,如下:
l   藝術作品:902個補助項目,金額總計23434千美元藝術作品為全美藝術基金會補助最多的類別,著重在公共藝術、終身藝術以及透過藝術家創作強化社區藝術氣息。
l   創意運用:35個補助項目,金額總計2百萬美元藝術和非藝術在推動國家創意生態系統中扮演非常重要的角色,包括營養、少年司法、科學、技術、軍事和醫療。
l   我們的城鎮:60個補助項目,金額總計410萬美元。
l   藝術作品研究:共10個補助項目,金額總計55萬美元。本項補助針對藝術的影響與衝擊做的相關研究。研究結果可於該基金會網頁查詢。
l   州及區域性合作夥伴協議:共63個補助項目,金額總計540萬美元。該基金會透過合作協議方式,嘉惠更多地區。州及美國管轄補助各有其所屬之藝術機構單位,獲該基金會補助款40%以支應其藝術計畫。同時,有6個區域性藝術組織獲補助款支應全美各州等所有跨藝術科系領域。除州及地區性組織外,補助項目也分配給全美各州藝術集會組織(National Assembly of State Arts Agencies)支應全美領導力服務單位以及太平洋教育與學習資源(Pacific Resources in Education and Learning)以傳遞藝術教育及提供美國於太平洋領地(Pacific territories)藝術單位之技術指導。

資料來源:2018518The National Endowment for the Arts



藝術教育夥伴(The Arts Education Partnership, 以下簡稱AEP)成立於1995年,為一由全美教育基金會(National Endowment for the Arts)及美國教育部(The U.S. Department of Education)間跨部會協議成立的藝術教育推廣促進單位,辦公室位於科羅拉多州丹佛市(Denver, Colorado)AEP主要擔任全美各地個人及組織之間的教育橋樑角色,旨在推廣讓全美每位學生都有機會接受高品質的美術教育。
全美教育基金會及美國教育部於2015年選出美國教育委員會(Education Commission of the States)做為AEP指導單位。他們堅信具有充足資源的政策決策者就可以制訂出更好的教育政策。美國教育委員會與各州教育主管單位合作,提供中立的研究報告及提供各州成功經驗分享的機會。AEP依其指導單位工作模式,與州教育決策者合作,進行「2020年驅動藝術教育行動計畫(2020 Action Agenda for Advancing the Arts in Education)」,同時推廣其組織成立宗旨,確保包括美術在內,每位孩童均可獲得全面性及具競爭力的教育。
AEP著重透過藝術教育提昇教育品質,因數十年來的研究顯示,藝術可幫助所有學生學習、達到學習目標及邁向成功。美國2015年的「每位學生成功法案(Every Student Succeeds Act)」內容即提到藝術對全面教育而言,佔極重要的一環。
·     創造力、想像力與創新能力
·     解決問題與思辨能力(批判性思考)
·     溝通與合作能力
·     達成學習成效
·     學校、社會與公民社交能力
·     提昇學生學習成效與成就
·     支持積極的教育者與學校領導階層
·     改善教學與學習環境
·     強化領導力與增進知識內容
·     州政策資料:涵蓋各州藝術教育政策。
·     州際比較資料:可以單獨顯示各州別或州與州間不同政策。
·     州報告資料:報告內容分門別類為藝術教育教學規定、高中藝術教育規定、藝術教師執照規定以及藝術教育於核心學科、評量與學分
·     藝術快覽資料:顯示各州藝術教育政策總表資料
·     研究與政策摘要資料:瀏覽州藝術教育政策摘要

資料來源:2018724Education Commission of the States
Art Education Partnership



德州休士頓郊區城市湯博(Tomball, Texas)社區的29位成員於本(2018)3月底時宣布成立「湯博教育基金會」(Tomball Education Foundation),以期透過非營利組織將私人捐款用以支持湯博獨立學區(Tomball Independent School District)的相關計畫。
教育基金會的董事長茱麗˙艾偉絲(Julie Ewers)在聲明中表示,該教育基金會董事會成員致力於我們社區卓越教育的發展,且能和董事會成員共同支持學區的發展感到十分榮幸。基金會的募款工作提供社區成員及產業投資及提升教育品質的重要管道。




            (一) 名額:每2年辦理1次,每次選拔510名為原則。
            (二)  獎項內容:獲獎者將受邀來臺接受公開表揚、經驗分享及參訪,訪臺之經濟艙來回機票與訪問期間費用由計畫經費支應。
            (三)  推薦方式及截止日期:請各駐外館處踴躍推薦轄區內優秀留臺人士,於107824日前函送推薦表至「SIT人才資料庫計畫辦公室(世新大學)」。
            (四) 聯絡單位:Study in TaiwanSIT)人才資料庫計畫辦公室(電郵:moe.sitdatabase@gmail.com;電話:(02)2236-8225,分機8421684217)。

Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award Guidelines

1、為表彰曾留學臺灣之外籍人士傑出表現、提升我海外知名度促進與我保持密切互動、聯繫友好感情,並鼓勵在學外籍生見賢思齊,教育部 Study in Taiwan (SIT)人才資料庫計畫辦公室特訂定「全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔作業說明」。
The Study in Taiwan Database Office established by the Ministry of Education has formulated these Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award Guidelines. The Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award is designed to:
honor the outstanding achievements of people who have studied in Taiwan as a foreign student;
enhance Taiwans reputation overseas;
strengthen and maintain close connections and friendly relations between those former foreign students and Taiwan; and
encourage current foreign students to learn from and emulate outstanding alumni of universities in Taiwan.
2、全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔每 2年舉辦 1次,每次以 5 10位為原則。
The selection of Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award recipients will be made once every two years.
In principle, between five and ten outstanding people will be selected to receive an award each time.
Any foreigner who has studied in Taiwan and completed a degree or a training program approved by the Ministry of Education and has achievements in one of the following categories is eligible to be nominated to receive a Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award. There is no limit to the number of times a person can be nominated but they can only receive this award once.
Awardee achievement categories:
(1)    學術類:從事學術研究,在其專業領域表現傑出,或曾獲頒國內外具崇高聲望獎項殊榮。
Academic: For demonstrating outstanding expertise or having been recognized with some prestigious national and/or international award, for work in an academic research field.
(2)    工商類:自行創業或經營企業有傑出成就表現。
Industry and Commerce: For outstanding achievement in a business venture or enterprise that the person set up or is running.
(3)    政治類:返國後從事該國政府公職或擔任該國民意代表,具政治影響力。
Political: For an exceptional achievement or a significant contribution by a person who after returning to their home country serves as a civil servant or in its government representing the interests of its people, and who has political influence.
(4)    人文傳播類:於人文社會及傳播領域有特殊表現或重大貢獻。
Humanities and Communications: For an exceptional achievement or a significant contribution in a field of the humanities, social sciences, or communications.
(5)    其他:上述類別外,有具體貢獻之事蹟或其他優良事蹟足資表彰者。
Other: For deeds which have made a specific contribution or some other outstanding achievement in a category other than those listed above, which deserves to be recognized.
Eligible outstanding alumni may be nominated for a Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award in the following ways:
(1)    由留臺校友所處政府單位或公司行號推薦。
-       Be nominated by a government agency or a company in which the person is working.
(2)    由留臺校友所處我駐外機構推薦。
-       Be nominated by an overseas mission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) responsible for the country or region where the person is living.
(3)    由在臺就讀之大學校院課程單位主管或教授,或在臺語言學習之語言中心主任、語言教師推薦。
-Be nominated by the program director or a professor at the university or tertiary college where the person undertook their degree or training program, or by the director of the language center in Taiwan where the person undertook a language program or by a language teacher there.
5、全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔委員會由 Study in Taiwan人才資料庫計畫主持人擔任召集人,邀請教育部代表及專家學者組成,選拔委員(含召集人)共 5 9人。每兩年宣布接受推薦期限,選拔委員會收到推薦表後,召開評選會議評審及核定。
The Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Awardee Selection Committee (abbreviated below to “the selection committee”) will be convened by the director of the Study in Taiwan Database and will have between five and nine members, including the convener. The other members will be invited representatives of the Ministry of Education, and experts and scholars. The deadline for submitting nominations will be publicly announced every two years.
In principle, the Study in Taiwan Database Office will cover the cost of a round-trip economy class airfare between their home country and Taiwan, and the other costs of a visit to Taiwan for each award recipient. The number of days they will spend in Taiwan as official guests will be adjusted in accordance with the budgetary funds available that year
The people who receive a Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award in a particular year will be publicly recognized at that year’s Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Orientation and Welcome event, or at another important gathering, or they will be invited to be the keynote speaker at one or more lecture occasions.
8、獲獎者在臺行程由 Study in Taiwan人才資料庫專案辦公室負責聯繫與安排。
The Study in Taiwan Database Office will be responsible for contacting the award recipients and arranging the itinerary of each person’s visit to Taiwan.


Faculty Positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Established in 1931 as a prominent national university in Tainan city of Taiwan, NCKU has been ranked #22 for Engineering subject (U.S. News-Education) and #51–100 for Engineering-Mechanical subject (QS) in global universities. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at NCKU invites applications for five tenure-track faculty positions (assistant, associate, or full professor). Appointments are to commence on Feb. 1, 2019. Applications are welcome from individuals with research experience in the traditional areas of mechanical engineering: thermo-fluids, solid mechanics, mechanical design, manufacturing technologies and material sciences, and control engineering; but preference will be given to the following areas: green energy engineering, intelligent machines, photonics/semiconductors and nanotechnology, advanced manufacturing (e.g. additive manufacturing and micro/nano-manufacturing), robotics and artificial intelligence, bioengineering, and mechanical engineering related fields or interdisciplinary fields.
Ideas and experience in innovative teaching will be an asset, while a strong research track record commensurate with the rank of appointment is essential. The successful candidates will be required to teach and supervise students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and establish a strong, externally-funded research program. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a closely-related field. Candidates should have a demonstrated track record of technical, academic (excellence, or promise of excellence, in teaching and scholarly research) and professional achievement appropriate to the level of their appointment. Eligible, successful applicants will be assisted in the application of a bonus award offered by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan. Preference will be given to those applicants who have received grant or award from the MOST Einstein program, Columbus program, or Ta-You Wu Memorial Award.
If interested, a complete application should include:
1.    A cover letter clearly indicating the rank for which the candidate wishes to be considered;
2.    A detailed curriculum vita highlighting career achievements, areas of research, teaching experience, list of publications and awards/honors, as well as research grants and students supervised (the last two items are especially important for the Associate or Full Professor position);
3.    Three reference letters (or sent by referee via regular mail or e-mail in PDF format to Chairman of the Search Committee);
4.    A copy of doctoral degree certificate, or a letter stating the expected graduation date with the signature of the applicant’s thesis advisor;
5.    Transcripts or academic records of both undergraduate and graduate studies (optional for applicants of Full professor position);
6.    A statement of teaching interests with course outlines;
7.    A statement of research plans detailing the intended projects to be pursued, envisioned resources, and external funding ideas to allow executing the research plans (maximum 3 pages).
8.    Other materials that help demonstrate the applicant’s accomplishments (such as certificates of awards, patents, etc.)

Complete application must be received before Aug. 31, 2018, by regular mail at the address below.
Professor Chao-Chieh Lan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, Taiwan 70101
Phone: 886-6-2757575 ext. 62274
The application package should also be emailed using separate PDF files to Professor Chao-Chieh Lan, Chairman of the Search Committee (E-mail: cclan@mail.ncku.edu.tw)


本系誠徵專任教授5名(助理教授、副教授或教授職級)。應徵者需具有下列專長相關領域之博士學位並可支援本系教學;有經驗及具英語授課能力者尤佳,起聘日期為民國 1082 1 。凡符合行政院科技部「補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才措施」資格之新進教師,本系將協助其申請額外之彈性薪資補助。曾獲科技部「愛因斯坦培植計畫」、「哥倫布計畫」、或「吳大猷先生紀念獎」等補助獎勵者,本系優先考慮。
1.  綠色能源工程
2.  智慧機械與系統
3.  光電半導體及奈米科技
4.  先進製造(: 積層製造技術及微奈米製造)
5. 機器人與人工智慧(AI)
6. 生醫工程
7. 其他機械相關領域或跨領域專長

1.      履歷表及現職證明影本(請註明應徵職級)
2.      著作目錄及代表性研究論文(最多5)
3.    推薦函3(可由推薦人郵遞或由e-mail PDF檔方式寄至本系教師遴選委員會召集人)
4.      最高學歷證件影本或預定取得學位之證明
5.      成績單影本:大專()以上(申請教授職級以上者得免付)
6.      教學計畫書與可授課之課程大綱
7.      研究方向與研究計畫書(至多三頁)
8.      其他有助於申請之資料(如得獎與專利等)

有意者請於民國 107831日前(郵戳為憑)將上述資料備齊郵寄至: 

70101 臺南市東區大學路一號
召集人 藍兆杰教授收


電話:06-2757575 62109,傳真:06-2352973


Huayu 101, for Learning Mandarin Online

Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Launches Huayu 101, for Learning Mandarin Online

Taipei, Taiwan -- The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the launch of Huayu 101, a new online Mandarin learning initiative, at the end of May. This is one of several to attract and motivate more young people to learn Mandarin in Taiwan.
Huayu 101 taps into learners’ interest in Taiwan and its culture. The designer of Huayu 101, Professor Chang Yuhsin from the University of Taipei, has been teaching Mandarin for more than 20 years. He and his team collected key basic survival phrases that people can immediately use, covering topics such as accommodation, shopping, ordering food, transport, and getting emergency help. Foreign students and travelers will find the material really useful in Taiwan and other Mandarin-speaking regions.
The MOE worked with Logan D. Beck, a YouTube enthusiast, to produce two videos about Taiwan’s culture and learning Mandarin: Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, and Taiwan Night Market Street Food. The first video drew 50,000 views the night it was launched and it’s been watched more than 150,000 times since. Beck and a popular rice cake seller, Mr. Liu, attended the launch and showed some Huayu 101 video footage featuring them in a scene set in a night market.  
The global demand for Chinese language education led to the planning and implementation of the Eight-year Chinese Language Education Promotion Plan (2013–2020). Taiwan’s Chinese language education sector has been vigorously marketing itself internationally, and the Office of Global Mandarin Education (OGME) was set up to integrate the Chinese language education resources in Taiwan.
Another exciting initiative that similarly integrates Taiwan’s tourism resources and language learning resources is Mandarin On-the-Go. The MOE worked with the Ministry of Transportation and Communication Tourism Bureau, and the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to create this new study-tour model.
You can find lots of information about both of these initiatives on the OGME website: https://ogme.edu.tw/Home/tw

Contact details:
Office of Global Mandarin Education OGME (OGME)
Chi Kuo-Ning

Tel No: +886-2-2391-1368 ext.1360 Email: c1360@csd.org.tw


Scholarship recipients meet up before departing for Taiwan

PHOTO (L to R): Scholarship Program Coordinator Isabelle Chen, Lucas Kliphon of HES, Director Sophie Chou of the Education Division, Jonathan Wang of Taiwan Scholarship, and Consular Officer Marcy Yu pose for a photo in the lobby of TECO in Houston

Each year, the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Houston organizes orientation for recipients of the Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES). The meeting provides the lucky students information on Taiwan, scholarship regulations, visa application requirements and gives recipients an opportunity to network with their future alumni.

The Education Division TECO in Houston provides services to eight U.S. states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. There are 20 recipients for both the Taiwan Scholarship and HES; however, only eight of the recipients live in Texas, and of that only three are located in Houston. Due to the geographical challenge, the dynamic of summer activities, and traveling plans for students, most recipients were unable to attend the event, held on June 21, 2018. Despite the challenges, two recipients, Lucas Kliphon with HES and Jonathan with the Taiwan Scholarship, managed to participate and found the experience extremely informative and fruitful.

Lucas and Jonathan have much in common. They are both recent college graduates of the class of 2018, alumni of the University of Texas at Austin, and have visited Taiwan before. However, they did not know each other until they met at orientation! When asked about their reasons for undertaking a long-term study in Taiwan, they responded almost in unison. There are so many countries in the world, but it is the place where they want to be. If possible, they would love to stay for work even after finishing their studies.

For recipients who were unable to attend the orientation in Houston, the necessary information was compiled in a download from the Education Division, TECO in Houston. Telephone and email are also open for consulting so as to accommodate other recipients.