











24219 新北市新莊區中平路439號南棟4



甫於本年1216日舉辦之公聽會上,週休3日之教職員及家長表示新規定對許多學區而言是遙不可及的。Noble公立學區理事Erika Wright認為目前實施週休3日的學區中,僅有7%可能達到新規定的標準,即使是奧州表現最佳的學區都將面臨嚴峻挑戰。
教育廳廳長Joy Hofmeister不認為標準過高,並期望看到學生在學術成就上獲取成功之餘,學科成績亦持續成長。教育廳預計在1092月州議會開議之前提報新規定以供議會討論並核准。

Education Week
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The Washington Post
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堪薩斯州教育廳要求學區通過電子菸禁令 密西西比州學區控告電子菸製造商

根據美國聯邦疾病防治中心(The Federal Centers for Disease Control)資料顯示全美近2,300個肺臟受損病例及50個死亡病例與電子菸有關,其中兩名死亡病例發生在堪薩斯州。堪薩斯星報報導堪薩斯州教育廳於本(108)1210日無異議通過將要求所有學區推動電子菸禁令,禁止學生、教職員、家長、學校義工、合作廠商、供應商及訪客在校區、校車及學校活動場所時使用、持有或推銷任何菸草製品,包含電子菸。
堪薩斯州已成立電子菸特別小組協助學生戒菸,但學校目前沒有明確規定該如何處置使用或持有電子菸之學生。堪薩斯州教育廳廳長Kathy Busch表示越來越多年輕學子被電子菸吸引,期望此禁令能及時阻止電子菸風潮,並希望特別小組能制定懲處建議供學區明年度執行。
Education Week



美國科羅拉多州櫻桃溪學區(Cherry Creek School District)及波德谷學區(Boulder Valley School District)調整上學時間,讓國高中學生的上學時間從原本的上午7:10延後為上午8:20。傑夫柯公立學區(Jeffco Public Schools)亦聘請顧問專家諮詢延後上課時間之可行性。丹佛公立學區(Denver Public Schools)也曾研究此方案,但學區職員因部分疑慮而暫停,如高中生延後下課時間會影響課後工讀及因小學生上下課時間不同而無法協助照顧年紀小的弟弟妹妹。
加州於2019年初已將國中生上學時間延後至上午8:00,高中生延後至上午8:30,並將此議題帶入全國性的討論。研究發現孩童延後上學有益於學術表現並降低過胖比例,但加州各學校仍在研擬如何執行新的課程表。C學區健康協調員Janise McNally表示此方案費時18個月與各教職員討論對運動課程、課後管理及交通狀況的影響,並調查學生父母、社區成員及畢業學長姐的意見。M協調員表示反對者聲稱為了未來就業學生必須學會早起,但也忽略了學生生理時鐘的發展。
丹佛國家猶太醫學研究中心(National Jewish Health)Lisa Meltzer副教授研究睡眠,表示多數人於青春期時經歷生理時鐘的改變,相較於幼童及成人,身體會延後12小時釋放產生睡意的退黑激素賀爾蒙,導致青少年無法像成人般較早入睡,強迫早起將剝奪青少年的睡眠。
Education Week



  1. 有意推薦人選或自行參加遴選者,請將申請資料正本及電子檔於2019年12月17日(二)中午12時前送達學校。
  2. 院長遴選相關規定及表件等資料,請逕至國立中正大學網頁(http://www.ccu.edu.tw)「院長遴選專區」、學校工學院網站或http://t.ly/5YDPd下載參閱。



   (一)    名額:每2年辦理1次,每次選拔510名為原則。
   (二)    獎項內容:獲獎者將受邀來臺接受公開表揚、經驗分享及參訪,訪臺之經濟艙來回機票與訪問期間費用由計畫經費支應。第2屆頒獎典禮預計於202010月辦理。
   (三)    推薦方式及截止日期:請踴躍推薦優秀留臺人士,於20201月20日前函送推薦表至駐休士頓經濟文化辦事處教育組。
   (四)    聯絡方式:電郵:houston@moetw.org;電話:(713)871-0851。
四、     中英文選拔作業說明(含推薦表)電子檔於:sitdatabase.moe.gov.tw


Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award Guidelines

1、為表彰曾留學臺灣之外籍人士傑出表現、提升臺灣海外知名度促進與臺灣保持密切互動、聯繫友好感情,並鼓勵在學外籍生見賢思齊,教育部Study in Taiwan (SIT)人才資料庫計畫辦公室特訂定「全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔作業說明」。
The Study in Taiwan Database Office established by the Ministry of Education has formulated these Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award Guidelines. The Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award is designed to honor the outstanding achievements of people who have studied in Taiwan as a foreign student; enhance Taiwan’s reputation overseas; strengthen and maintain close connections and friendly relations between those former foreign students and Taiwan; and encourage current foreign students to learn from and emulate outstanding alumni of universities in Taiwan.

2、全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔每 2 年舉辦1 次,每次以5 10 位為原則。
The selection of Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award recipients will be made once every two years. In principle, between five and ten outstanding people will be selected to receive an award each time.

Any foreigner who has studied in Taiwan and completed a degree or a training program approved by the Ministry of Education and has achievements in one of the following categories is eligible to be nominated to receive a Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award. There is no limit to the number of times a person can be nominated but they can only receive this award once.
Awardee achievement categories:

(1) 學術類:從事學術研究,在其專業領域表現傑出,或曾獲頒國內外具崇高聲望獎項殊榮。
Academic: For demonstrating outstanding expertise or having been recognized with some prestigious national and/or international award, for work in an academic research field.

(2) 工商類:自行創業或經營企業有傑出成就表現。
Industry and Commerce: For outstanding achievement in a business venture or enterprise that the person set up or is running.

(3) 政治類:返國後從事該國政府公職或擔任該國民意代表,具政治影響力。
Political: For an exceptional achievement or a significant contribution by a person who after returning to their home country serves as a civil servant or in its government representing the interests of its people, and who has political influence.

(4) 人文傳播類:於人文社會及傳播領域有特殊表現或重大貢獻。
Humanities and Communications: For an exceptional achievement or a significant contribution in a field of the humanities, social sciences, or communications.

(5) 其他:上述類別外,有具體貢獻之事蹟或其他優良事蹟足資表彰者。
Other: For deeds which have made a specific contribution or some other outstanding achievement in a category other than those listed above, which deserves to be recognized.

Eligible outstanding alumni may be nominated for a Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award in the following ways:

(1) 由留臺校友所處政府單位或公司行號推薦。
- Be nominated by a government agency or a company in which the person is working.

(2) 由留臺校友所處我駐外機構推薦。
- Be nominated by an overseas mission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) responsible for the country or region where the person is living.

(3) 由在臺就讀之大學校院課程單位主管或教授,或在臺語言學習之語言中心主任、語言教師推薦。
- Be nominated by the program director or a professor at the university or tertiary college where the person undertook their degree or training program, or by the director of the language center in Taiwan where the person undertook a language program or by a language teacher there.

5、全球留臺傑出校友獎選拔委員會由 Study in Taiwan 人才資料庫計畫主持人擔任召集人,邀請教育部代表及專家學者組成,選拔委員(含召集人)共5 9 人。每兩年宣布接受推薦期限,選拔委員會收到推薦表後,召開評選會議評審及核定。
The Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Awardee Selection Committee (abbreviated below to “the selection committee”) will be convened by the director of the Study in Taiwan Database and will have between five and nine members, including the convener. The other members will be invited representatives of the Ministry of Education, and experts and scholars. The deadline for submitting nominations will be publicly announced every two years.

6、獲獎者之訪臺來回經濟艙機票與在臺訪問期間費用原則上由SIT 人才資料庫計畫辦公室經費支應,惟將視當年度預算經費規模適度調整訪臺日數。
In principle, the Study in Taiwan Database Office will cover the cost of a round-trip economy class airfare between their home country and Taiwan, and the other costs of a visit to Taiwan for each award recipient. The number of days they will spend in Taiwan as official guests will be adjusted in accordance with the budgetary funds available that year.



教育部為充分發揮政府獎學金效益,與英國劍橋大學、牛津大學、美國聖路易市華盛頓大學、南加州大學、加州理工學院、伊利諾大學香檳分校、約翰霍普金斯大學 Whiting工程學院、澳洲國立大學、雪梨大學、法國巴黎薩克雷大學聯盟-巴黎南區大學、比利時荷語魯汶大學、瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院及韓國科學技術院等13所世界百大合作設置獎學金。


109年教育部與世界百大合作設置獎學金自即日起至 108 12 26 日中午 (臺灣時間)受理線上報名,歡迎踴躍提出申請。

2019 Global Youth Trends Forum - American Youths in Taiwan! Youths from 26 Countries Talk about the Future

With global youths from 26 countries across five continents gathering together, the 2019 Global Youth Trends Forum was held in Taiwan from November 5 to 11. This international event has been held for seven consecutive years so far. This year, the numbers of participating countries and young people both hit a new high. Several hundreds of young people from Australia, Bhutan, Brunei, Canada, Germany, Guatemala, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam came to participate in the event. Among them, the United States delegation formed by six youths from world Youth Alliance—Julia Kenney, Ethan Mack, Margaret Snyder, Gabrielle Castello, Ashton Weber, Walker Ray Dornish, all expressed full satisfaction for this exchange visit to Taiwan and they would return to the United States with fruitful results.

This year’s forum focused on three topics: Educational Creativity, Regional Revitalization, and Smart Living. The United States delegation was led to visit Tainan, Changhua, Hsinchu, Taoyuan and other places. The first spot was a case of Regional Revitalization—Togo Rural Village Art Museum, a non-traditional museum that wowed the American youths in the very beginning. Then, they visited some other brilliant spots, including Chimei Museum, which was on Parenting Magazine’s Thinking BIG of Learning Top 100 list in 2018, Youth Travel Spot in Fangyuan Township of Changhua County to experience the oyster culture and the unique oyster shell art, Natural Way Experimental Educational Elementary School that combines oriental humanities and ecology, and Sha Yang Ye Robot Wonderland (Pavilion of Future), the representative of Smart Living, to DIY a robot with simple mechanical transmission devices. Through the rich and diversified activity arrangement, these American young people obtained a further understanding of the local ecology, cultural heritage, scientific and technological innovation of Taiwan, and they also sparked ideas and gained cross-border friendships during the visit.

The highlight of the 2019 Global Youth Trends Forum was the forum conference on November 9 to 10. Vice President Chen Chien-jen made the opening ceremony speech, encouraging the young people present to give full play to their creativity and exert their influence with the original intention of “what we can contribute to society.” Audrey Tang, Minister without Portfolio of Executive Yuan, who was selected as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers in 2019 by American Foreign Policy Magazine, was invited to serve as the panel host. In the panel discussion, Ms. Tang and three other guests, Chebet Lesan, founder of Kenyan smart-energy company Brightgreen Renewable Energy in, Toshiki Abe, founder, and CEO of Japanese social enterprise Ridilover, and Justin Yu, co-founder of Taiwanese consulting company Plan b, shared their rich practical experiences, serving as successful models for the global youths present on how to integrate the forum’s three topics to practice the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of SDGs.

For the group discussion, the United States delegation focused on the topic of Smart Living. They used case studies to explore the current problems faced by the country from different perspectives, and proposed an action plan. The US Delegation asked a centered question, “how can technology improve quality of life by improving the access quality healthcare?”They combined technology and the idea of health education, encouraged the idea of volunteering in community engagement, and promoted the telecommunication solution, including telemedicine.

After two days of brainstorming, these young people from all over the world had contributed to the sparks of wisdom and creative exchanges. At the end of the forum, the Cultural Night was held to enhance the friendship between these global youths. The US Delegation made every effort to present outstanding American Idol and dance performance, bringing a World Expo vibe to the audience. With their joyful music and brisk steps, all the distinguished guests and participating young people could not resist but to feel excited and tap along.

In today’s globalization trend, global youths have interacted more frequently in public participation and international exchange. This year’s forum is not the end but the beginning. International issues depend on young people’s long-term attention. They can only be improved and solved by global youths through continuous thinking, communication, and implementation with a common intention of bringing a positive change to the world. The Ministry of Education of Taiwan government also will continue to actively promote the cross-border exchange of young people. Through diversified channels such as overseas volunteer services, international experiential learning, international conferences, and exchange and study, Taiwanese youth are provided with more opportunities to participate in the international community, sow seeds of international friendship, cultivate an international vision, and strengthen the knowledge and action in international affairs.

Feel like to jointly build an ideal blueprint for our generations with young people from all over the world? If you want to know the most updated information of the Global Youth Trends Forum and international exchanges, you must not miss next year’s Global Youth Trends Forum! For more information regarding the event, please visit the official website of Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education (http://www.yda.gov.tw) and the Global Youth Trends Forum (https://iyouth.youthhub.tw/2019ypp/tw/index/index.html).

2019 Global Youth Trends Forum— 美國青年在臺灣!26國話趨勢、創未來

齊聚全球五大洲、26國青年的國際盛會「2019全球青年趨勢論壇」115日至11日在臺灣熱鬧展開,已連續辦理7年的全球青年趨勢論壇,今年與會國家及青年數再創新高,包括來自美國、澳大利亞、不丹、汶萊、加拿大、德國、瓜地馬拉、印尼、愛爾蘭、以色列、日本、肯亞、韓國、馬來西亞、尼泊爾、紐西蘭、巴拉圭、菲律賓、波蘭、俄羅斯、斯洛伐克、瑞典、泰國、英國、越南的逾百位青年都共襄盛舉,其中美國代表團係來自世界青年聯盟World Youth Alliance6位青年(Julia Kenney, Ethan Mack, Margaret Snyder, Gabrielle Castello, Ashton Weber, Walker Ray Dornish)都對於此次訪臺交流表示滿載而歸。


2019全球青年趨勢論壇」壓軸好戲則是119日至10日登場的論壇會議,由中華民國陳副總統建仁博士開幕並勉勵在場青年以「能為社會貢獻什麼?」為初衷,盡情發揮創意、擴散青年影響力。論壇邀請入選美國《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)期刊2019全球百大思想家(Global thinkers的行政院唐鳳政務委員擔任專題座談主持人,與來自肯亞的智慧環保能源公司Brightgreen創辦人Chebet Lesan、日本社會企業RidiLover創辦人安部敏樹先生以及臺灣顧問企劃公司Plan b共同創辦人游適任先生等3位與談人,進行專題座談會,透過他們豐富的實務經驗,提供各國青年結合論壇三大議題,實踐聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的成功典範。


各國青年們在經歷了會議兩日的腦力激盪,所迸發出的智慧火花和創意交流都相當令人驚喜,為了讓國際青年增進彼此情誼,在活動的尾聲「文化之夜」,美國代表團青年更使出渾身解數,帶來精彩萬分的American Idol模仿秀兼舞蹈演出,讓人宛如置身在臺版世界博覽會,歡騰的樂聲與輕快的腳步,讓全場為之沸騰,在座的所有貴賓、青年無不跟著起舞。




學生出席率為密蘇里州衡量學區補助金額的標準之一。據本(108)1120日公布之調查報告顯示,堪薩斯市學區(Kansas City School District)102年至105年連續3年竄改學生出席率,以獲取密蘇里州最高評等鑑定及高額補助金。K學區理事派蒂曼什(Pattie Mansur)表示數年來K學區學生出席率皆未能達到標準,但竄改的出席率為緩慢增加致不易察覺。
此事件發生在K學區前任總監史提夫葛林(Steve Green)及代理總監艾爾突尼斯(Al Tunis)任內,G前總監與T代理總監皆表示不知情。G前總監於104年離開K學區後赴迪卡爾布縣學區(Dekalb County School District)任職,據亞特蘭大立憲報報導指出喬治亞州教育廳正在審理的教師不倫案中,G總監因隱匿不報於本(11)月中已遭D學區解雇。
學生出席率、畢業率、就業率及課業成績表現等為教育廳評鑑學區之指標,需連續2年達標才能通過最高評等鑑定。出席率部分要求學區每學年90%上課日需達到90%出席率,若達到80%可獲得部分評分。現任總監馬克貝戴爾(Mark Bedell)表示竄改出席率使K學區於105年達到80%的出席率門檻,也暫時獲得最高評分鑑定。但自1057B總監接任後,出席率從未超過80%K學區也無法連續2年達標。B總監表示已採取必要措施如加強職員訓練及學生資料系統控管,以確保類似情形不再發生。
Education Week



  1. 有意推薦人選或自行參加遴選者,請將申請資料正本及電子檔於2019年12月3日(二)中午12時前送達學校。
  2. 院長遴選相關規定及表件等資料,請逕至國立中正大學網頁(http://www.ccu.edu.tw)「院長遴選專區」、學校工學院網站或https://t.ly/5YDPd下載參閱。



阿肯色州州政府於104年因數所學校學生考試成績不理想而接管小岩城學區(Little Rock School District),而本(108)10月該州教育委員會宣布不再承認小岩城教師工會並取消該工會的共同協商權,導致擁有23,000名學生之L學區於1114日發起30年來首度教師1日罷課。罷課展開前,教育委員會及州政府外的示威行動已持續數週。
教師、學生及家長在具有廢止歧視歷史意義的小岩城中央高中外揮舞標語並喊口號。小岩城教育協會總監泰瑞莎戈登(Teresa Knapp Gordon)於遊行現場表示此為漫長抗爭中的首場戰役。該協會除抗議州政府取消協商權外,更要求州政府歸還對學校的管控權。
L學區發言人潘蜜拉史密斯(Pamela Smith)表示遊行當日學區內41所學校照常上課,並已組織數百名代課教師及職員調配人力,但學生出席率仍不到50%,僅有25%5,900名中學生出席,1,800名教師中超過600名教師缺席。
阿肯色州教育委員會共有9 名委員其中8名委員由身為共和黨員的阿肯色州州長阿薩亨慶森(Asa Hutchinson)所指派,H州長表示儘管今天有些學生及教師不在教室內,州政府仍將於憲法賦予的責任下確保每位學生都在安全的環境受到平等與高品質的教育,這是政府與L學區都想努力達成的目標。教育廳長強尼凱恩(Johnny Key)呼籲教師們待在工作岡位上,並稱罷課不會促進學習,只有當合格高效率的教師出現在教室營造出安全且富啟發性的學習環境,學生才能獲得最好的學習。
Education Week