

為減緩嚴重特殊傳染型肺炎疫情蔓延趨勢,美國路易斯安那州教育廳廳長Cade Brumley依據路州健康廳建議,提出公立學校新學年校園重啟指南,共有16項規定,其中包含要求學生必須配戴口罩與經常洗手。路州健康局有權力將此規定推廣至路州所有學校,包括私立學校。




因嚴重特殊傳染型肺炎確診數再次攀升,路州州長Bel Edward622日宣布現行第2階段開放措施將延續至724日。B廳長隨後表示希望8月校園重啟時,路州能開放至第3階段。若仍為第2階段,校車將僅能容納50%載客量,學區或持續採取遠距教學;若為第3階段,校車將可容納至75%載客量,才較有可能恢復教室授課。


Education Week
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儘管美國德州近期嚴重特殊傳染型肺炎確診及住院案例飆升,本109)年618德州教育廳廳長Mike Morath仍表示學生於本年秋季班返回校園上課是安全的,預計下週更新返回校園計畫以提供更多準則予學區,並核准不放心將孩童送回學校的家長可選擇繼續維持居家遠距教學。德州將不會要求教師與學生配戴口罩,但學區可自行規定。

德州州長Greg Abbott319日宣布關閉校園,超過500萬名學生改為遠距教學以完成春季班課程,雖然A州長核准學區在符合嚴格的安全社交距離規範下,可於夏季班進行面對面教學,但僅有少部分學區選擇恢復面對面教學。



德州教師協會發言人Clay Robinson表示此疫情尚未結束且正持續惡化,德州州長及教育廳人員不需待在校園裡,但教師及學生將受到疫情影響,政治領袖尚未做好充足準備前,不該倉促開放校園。

Education Week
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密西西比州州長Tate Reeves108年承諾調漲教師薪資且提撥預算,計畫於108學年度完整調漲教師薪資1,500美元。但由於行政上預算編列時,各學區對於教師類別的計算方式不一,導致該計畫推遲至本年,卻又遭逢嚴重特殊傳染型肺炎影響而被取消。


Education Week
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居家避疫命令執行初見成效,使得疫情趨緩,科州正逐步重啟經濟,各學區亦在保持適當社交距離的情況下,於校園開放暑期電腦教學。科州州長Jared Polis表示目前雖仍無法預測校園重啟對疫情的影響,但大部分學校應會於秋季班時恢復正常教學模式。


流行病學家Rachel Herlihy博士強調需針對60歲以上的教職員採取特別的預防措施。根據數據顯示,60歲以上的成年人佔科州人口比例的21%,但卻佔因嚴重特殊傳染型肺炎而住院治療的病患人數的50%及死亡人數的90%。學區應核准年紀較大的教職員可選擇遠距教學。


Education Week
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臺灣,你好! 華語101讓你輕鬆開口說華語

教育部表示,受新冠肺炎疫情影響,數位學習需求大增,華語101精選的常見對話例句,讓使用者隨時隨地想學就學、想聽就聽,輕輕鬆鬆將華語朗朗上口。除了「華語101」之外,教育部所設置「全球華語文教育專案辦公室 (OGME)」的「學華語到臺灣」專區(網址:https://ogme.edu.tw/Home/tw)亦提供「Start From Scratch」、「Intermediate Chinese」、「FLTA Story Book Series」、「Mandarin in 300 sentences」、「Fall in Love With Mandarin」等免費線上華語學習課程,歡迎華語教學人員或對華語學習有興趣之人士上網搜尋。


Huayu 101, Your Best Online Resources for Learning Mandarin Chinese

TAIPEI, Taiwan – Huayu 101, an online Mandarin Chinese learning platform established by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) for foreigners on short-term stays in Taiwan, has launched six new learning scenarios this year for Chinese language learners.

Commissioned by the MOE in 2017, the University of Taipei has developed six chapters of learning scenarios that collect dialogues for everyday Chinese, encompassing “Greetings,” “Accommodation,” “Shopping,” “Order,” “Transportation,” and “Asking for help.”

This year, it added more everyday conversations to Huayu 101, including “City tour,” “Arts and cultural activities,” “Call and reservation,” “Exchange,” “Making friends,” and “Hospital and post office.”

The e-learning materials select the most practical conversations based on experiences of students from different countries, with scenarios spanning greetings, making friends, tourism, business, transportation, accommodation, shopping, reservation, and hospital. These sentences are dubbed by Taiwanese teachers and allow users to change the vocabularies they would like to practice for different scenarios.

Moreover, each text is paired with lively illustrations, leading users to learn Chinese effectively through contents presented simultaneously in both visual and verbal forms.

According to the MOE, demand for e-learning has surged due to impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Through just connecting to the internet, users can get easy access to learn Chinese phrases for daily use on Huayu 101.

In addition to Huayu 101, the Office of Global Mandarin Education (OGME) established by the MOE also offers free online learning courses for teachers and learners, including “Start From Scratch,” “Intermediate Chinese,” “FLTA Story Book Series,” “Mandarin in 300 Sentences,” and “Fall in Love With Mandarin.”

Since the Huayu 101 website went live, it has attracted almost 90,000 active users and received positive feedback from students and teachers in Taiwan and overseas.

OGME (Office of Global Mandarin Education)
Tel No: +886-2-2391-1368 ext.1324
Email: c1324@csd.org.tw


Nanhua University International Student Admission

Nanhua University was founded in 1996 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. NHU is a member of the Fo Guang Shan International University Consortium. Once student enroll in one university, he/she can study within the Consortium.

For more details, please visit




Ministry of Education officially launches ‘International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools White Paper 2.0’

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced on May 14 this year that the ‘International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools White Paper 2.0’ was officially inaugurated.

- International Education will be further upgraded

The Minister of the MOE, Pan, Wen-Chung, indicated at a press conference that ‘International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools White Paper 2.0’, with the vision of " Connecting with the World ", aims to enable transference and connection between primary and junior high school education in our country and the schools’ systems of major international countries. It also aims to establish favorable communication and cooperation with organizations that support the internationalization of education worldwide.

- Promoting Comprehensive International Education

Julie Chin, Executive Secretary of Primary and Secondary Education Internationalization Office (PSEIO) indicated that ‘International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools White Paper 2.0’ has three goals: ‘Nurturing Future World Citizens,’ ‘Creating a Friendly Environment to Enhance Internationalization’ and ‘Expanding Global Exchanges’. Therefore, it puts forward three strategies: ‘Implementing School-based International Education", ‘Building A Friendly International Environment’ and ‘Constructing International Linkage Mechanism’. The implementation period is from 2020 to 2025, a period of six years.

Ministry of Education Bulletin Health Management Guidelines for Faculty, Staff, and Students who Return to Taiwan from Abroad


In accordance with the announcement from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), 14 days of home quarantine is mandatory for individuals who return to Taiwan from any of the 27 countries in Europe since March 14, 2020. Also, the first confirmed case from abroad in a high school campus in the northern region was disclosed on March 15. Schools at all levels (abbreviated as schools) must implement the following items thoroughly:
  1. Proactively Contact Faculty, Staff, and Students who Return to Taiwan from Abroad:
    1. Effective immediately, schools must proactively contact faculty, staff, and students (overseas students included) who return to Taiwan from abroad in order to confirm whether or not they conduct home quarantine or self-health management.
    2. Schools shall inform all faculty, staff, and students that they must proactively notify the schools about their travel histories if the reasons for their trips were personal reasons. It will facilitate the schools in arranging related measures for health management. If a campus epidemic prevention breach is caused by any undisclosed information, the individual will be held responsible under the regulations governing awards and penalties of school.
    3. Schools shall also remind faculty, staff, and students that if they have had contact with confirmed cases during their trips overseas, they shall honestly report the incidence when returning to Taiwan from abroad, and call the ‘Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline 1922’ and their schools.
  2. After being contacted by the schools, individuals who are confirmed to require conducting home quarantine must comply with the following measures:
    1. For overseas faculty and students: In addition to the Ministry of Education (MOE) notifying respective schools based on the report from the Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency, schools shall also follow the written notice of ‘Management and Epidemic Prevention Measures for Hong Kong and Macau Students’ as announced by the MOE on February 10, 2020, complete the handover of the home quarantine list with the local authorities’ contact people every day, and arrange quarantine dormitories.
    2. For domestic faculty, staff, and students in our nation: They must conduct home quarantine at their residential locations. Schools should take control, and care for the faculty, staff and students, and remind them that any unauthorized exit of home quarantine premises will result in the imposition of a penalty. Schools should also carefully arrange the measures to connect with students’ related teaching, administration, and learning to avoid faculty, staff, and students returning to campus during their home quarantine period.
  3. After being contacted by schools, individuals who are confirmed to require conducting self-health management must comply with the following measures:
    1. Schools should remind faculty, staff, and students to follow the CECC’s regulations from ‘Measures for Following Up on Persons at Risk of Infection’ by avoiding entering and exiting public locations. Schools shall also actively make arrangements for them to stay at home or to rest in the dormitories and not go to school.
    2. For students who comply by staying at home or resting in the dormitories, schools do not need to issue permission for leave and they should not be listed as absent from the classes. Schools should concurrently provide the ‘Reassured to Study Program’ and arrange means whereby students can keep up with their studies. On the other hand, for faculty and staff, they should take sick leave, but the leave should not be counted toward their annual sick leave days in the academic year. Related teaching and administration handover matters should be arranged concurrently in order to protect the rights of teachers and students. (The only exception is for individuals who travel overseas on or after March 13, 2020, for a non-work related reason and are listed as targets requiring self-health management by the Health authorities upon their return to Taiwan. The sick leave days are counted toward their annual sick leave days in the academic year, or processed as other types of leave). 
  4. Recommended Items from the CECC:
    Since March 16, 2020, for students returning to Taiwan from abroad (those who have overseas travel history within the past 14 days are included), if they are not part of the aforementioned groups of people such as home isolation, quarantine or self-health management, they must still wear a mask for every time when heading out or being in school, while washing hands frequently, and taking a measurement of the body temperature twice a day (morning and evening) until the 14-day period is over.
  5. Prepare the epidemic investigation information thoroughly:
    Please follow the disclosed working guidelines for the epidemic prevention and related written notice from the MOE and keep faculty and students’ courses and activities records to benefit future epidemic investigations. In addition, the MOE will simplify and integrate current forms and sheets for surveying categories such as home quarantine, exchange students, and travel histories; these forms and sheets will be issued to all schools, please comply and respond accordingly.
  6. For any questions about these guidelines, please contact the following persons:
    1. Department of Higher Education: Ms. Shuzhen Chiu, 02-7736-6304, susan201907@mail.moe.gov.tw
    2. Department of Technological and Vocational Education: Officer, Zhaoyuan Xu, 02-7736-6072, a620220@mail.moe.gov.tw
    3. K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education:: Lijing Kao, Military Instructor, 04-3706-1358, e-3314@mail.k12ea.gov.tw

Overseas Students Q&A

For more details, please visit the below link from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan,