一、 誠徵電機相關領域 具有教學 熱忱 及 優秀 研究 績效 之教授、副教授、助理教授 若干名
需求專長 (但不限於) 如下:
- Multi Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control Areas Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart Grid
- Advanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, QuantumTechnologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, E Beam Lithography
- Biomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengine ering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical Sensors
- Computer Science and Engineering Embedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile,Computing and Networking, Security, Machine Learning, Data centric Computing
- Microwave and Millimeter -wave Technique s, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, THz Technologies, Radar Systems
- Communications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned Areas
- SoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor, Memory Design, Green Electronics, Medical Electronics, Sensor Electronics, THz Circuits, Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics)
- Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed Optoelectronics
- Data Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, IoT, Data-Centric Computing and Networking, Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Social Networks, Cyber Security
二、 有意申請者請檢具下列資料 ,先上網 https ://ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ 填寫 及上傳
相關資料 ,紙本資料請於 2020 年 1 1 月 2 0 日前寄至下列地址
臺北市 106 羅斯福路四段一號
國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 吳忠幟主任收
1. 申請信
2. 個人履歷表,需附著作目錄並簡述未來教學研究方向
3. 代表性著作影本(近三年發表之論文著作 1~3 篇)
4. 推薦信(至少 2 封,請推薦人直接寄達)
5. 最高學歷證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本)
6. 大學及研究所歷年成績單正本
E-mail: wucc@ntu.edu.tw; 聯絡電話:+886-2-33663700 ext 123;傳真:+886-2-23671909
三、各職級教師薪資包含教育部部定薪資之外 另有彈性薪資 方案 、 教育部玉山 青年 學者
計畫及 科技部年輕學者專案計畫 例如 愛因斯坦 培植 計畫 、哥倫布計畫、 傑出人才基金會
相關補助 、臺大產學合作計畫主持人費等 相關資訊請 參考台大教師手冊
http://event.ntu.edu.tw/facultyhandbook/ 。
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYDepartment of Electrical EngineeringFaculty Openings
The top choice for the students in natural science s and engineering is in viting
you to join us to establish a world class department .
1.We are seeking applicants with enthus iasm in teaching and potential in research, and invite applications for faculty positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, whose research interests lie in all areas of E lectrical Engineering (but not limited) as follows:
- Multi Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control Areas Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart Grid
- Advanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, QuantumTechnologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, E Beam Lithography
- Biomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengine ering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical Sensors
- Computer Science and Engineering Embedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile,Computing and Networking, Security, Machine Learning, Data centric Computing
- Microwave and Millimeter -wave Technique s, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, THz Technologies, Radar Systems
- Communications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned Areas
- SoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor, Memory Design, Green Electronics, Medical Electronics, Sensor Electronics, THz Circuits, Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics)
- Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed Optoelectronics
- Data Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, IoT, Data-Centric Computing and Networking, Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Social Networks, Cyber Security
2. To a pply for a faculty position, please visit our website at http s ://ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ for
on line application with the following materials.
1) Cover Letter
2) A curriculum vitae, along with a full publication list and a teaching and research p lan
3) Reprints of 1 3 publications within the past 3 years
4) Two or more reference letters sent directly to us by your referees
5) A copy of the highest diploma granted (or a proof of Ph.D. degree to be granted by July 31, 202 1
6) Original copies of u ndergraduate and graduate transcripts
Please also send a hardcopy of your application materials to the following address by
November 20 ,2020
Professor Chung Chih Wu,Chair man
Department of Electrical Engineering , National Taiwan University,
No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan ROC.
For more details:
Email: wucc@ntu.edu.tw Tel.: +886 2 33663700 ext. 1 23 Fax: +886 2 23671909
3. All ranks of Professor are compensated in accordance with the salary rank published by Ministry of Education. Additional faculty merit pay include NTU Subsidy for Incoming Distinguished Talents,
support from Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, Principle Investigator’s
salary from Industrial Academic Cooper ation Project s, etc. More information can be found in the NTU
Faculty Handbook. http://event.ntu.edu.tw/facultyhandbook/en/about ntu/